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Pogo Sticking for Adults: A Unique Way to Stay Active

Created 04/14/2011 04:02 AM
People of all ages and sizes can benefit from physical activity, but for adults, it can be hard to find activities that are fun, engaging, and have enough physical benefits. Pogo sticking, the classic childhood activity that’s been around for decades, is making a comeback and is now seen as an excellent way for adults to stay active.
Pogo sticks are no longer just for kids—there are now specially designed pogo sticks for adults that can offer an intense workout and a unique form of exercise. Pogo stick exercises and activities are becoming a popular way for adults to stay fit and healthy.

The Benefits of Pogo Sticking for Adults

Pogo sticking is an excellent way for adults to stay active and increase their overall physical fitness. Pogo stick exercises and activities can help to improve balance, coordination, and even strengthen muscles.

Pogo sticking is an excellent cardiovascular workout. The up and down motion of the pogo stick can get your heart rate up and help to burn calories. Pogo stick exercises can also help to improve your coordination and agility.
Pogo sticking is also a great way to relieve stress and stay mentally healthy. The practice of bouncing up and down on the pogo stick can be calming and help to clear your head.

Finally, pogo sticking is a fun and unique way to stay active and can be a great way to socialize with friends. Whether you’re in the park or at a pogo stick fitness class, it’s always fun to share the experience with others.

Pogo Stick Exercises for Adults

There are a variety of pogo stick exercises and activities for adults to try. Here are some of the most popular pogo stick exercises for adults:
• Squats: Squats are a great way to work your lower body and improve your balance. To do a squat on a pogo stick, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the pogo stick in front of you. Bend your knees and squat down as low as you can before pushing off the ground and onto the pogo stick.

• Lunges: Lunges are a great way to build leg strength and improve coordination. To do a lunge on a pogo stick, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the pogo stick in front of you. Step one leg forward and bend your knee, then push off the ground and onto the pogo stick.
• Push-Ups: Push-ups are a great way to build upper-body strength and improve balance. To do a push-up on a pogo stick, start in a push-up position and put one foot on the pogo stick. Bend your elbows and lower your chest to the ground before pushing off the ground and onto the pogo stick.

• Burpees: Burpees are a great way to work your entire body and improve your coordination. To do a burpee on a pogo stick, start in a standing position and hold the pogo stick in front of you. Squat down and place your hands on the ground, then jump your feet back and into a plank position. Push off the ground and onto the pogo stick, then jump your feet back to the starting position.
• Jumping Jacks: Jumping jacks are a great way to work your entire body and get your heart rate up. To do a jumping jack on a pogo stick, start in a standing position and hold the pogo stick in front of you. Jump your feet out to the sides and then back together, while pushing off the ground and onto the pogo stick.

Pogo Stick Activities for Adults

Pogo sticking isn’t just about exercises—there are now a variety of pogo stick activities for adults to try. Here are some of the most popular pogo stick activities for adults:

• Pogo Stick Races: Pogo stick races are a great way to have fun and get your heart rate up. To have a pogo stick race, set up a course with cones or other markers and have each competitor race around the course. The first one to complete the course wins!

• Pogo Stick Obstacle Course: Pogo stick obstacle courses are a great way to challenge yourself and have fun. To create a pogo stick obstacle course, set up a course with various obstacles such as cones, hoops, and other markers. The goal is to complete the course as quickly as possible.

• Pogo Stick Challenges: Pogo stick challenges are a great way to have fun and test your skills. To create a pogo stick challenge, set up a course or area with various obstacles and challenges, such as hopping over a cone or jumping through a hoop. The goal is to complete the challenge as quickly as possible.

• Pogo Stick Games: Pogo stick games are a great way to have fun and test your skills. To play a pogo stick game, set up a course or area with various games and activities, such as a basketball hoop or a target. The goal is to complete the game as quickly as possible.


Pogo sticking is an excellent way for adults to stay active and get in shape. Pogo stick exercises and activities can help to improve balance, coordination, and even strengthen muscles. There are now a variety of pogo stick exercises and activities for adults to try, as well as games and challenges that can be great for socializing with friends. If you’re looking for a unique way to stay active and have fun, pogo sticking is definitely worth a try.

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