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The Pogo Stick World Record: A Look at the Current and Past Record Holders

Created 08/16/2015 07:38 PM
The Pogo Stick is one of the oldest toys out there, and as such, it has been around for centuries. It’s also a toy that has been known to capture the imaginations of people all over the world. A lot of people have grown up with the Pogo Stick and have used it for fun and recreation. But did you know that there is also a Pogo Stick world record?
Yes, the Pogo Stick world record is a thing and has been around for decades. The record is held by the person who can jump the highest on a Pogo Stick. The current record is held by an American man named Mason Matlock, who jumped 32 feet, 4 inches. He set the record in January 2018 in Austin, Texas.

But Mason Matlock is not the only record holder in Pogo Stick history. There have been other record holders in the past who have set impressive records

One of the earliest records was set by Marie-Louise D’Orleans in 1931. She was able to jump an impressive 20 feet, 8 inches.

Then in the 1950s, a man named Bob McCoy set the record for the highest jump on a Pogo Stick at 26 feet. He held this record for many years until it was broken by a man named Jake Hynes in 2007

Hynes was able to jump 28 feet, 5 inches.

Since then, the record has continued to be broken, with the current record being held by Mason Matlock. Matlock is an experienced extreme pogoer, and he has been setting records since he was a child. He was able to set his record of 32 feet, 4 inches by using a specially designed pogo stick created by a company called Vurtego.
In addition to Mason Matlock and the other record holders, there are many other extreme pogoers out there. These are people who have dedicated their lives to the sport of pogoing and are constantly pushing boundaries and setting new records. People like Nicholas Ryan, Ryan Doherty, and Conor Dornan are some of the most well-known extreme pogoers in the world.

So as you can see, the Pogo Stick world record is an impressive feat and has been around for a long time. It’s a testament to the skill and dedication of the people who have set the record, and it’s inspiring to see them push boundaries and break records in this unique sport.
So if you’re ever looking for a fun and exciting way to challenge yourself, why not give the Pogo Stick world record a shot? It’s a great way to test your strength and endurance, and it’s also a fun activity that you can do with friends and family. And who knows, maybe you’ll even be able to break the record someday!

In conclusion, the Pogo Stick world record is an impressive feat that has been around for many decades. It’s a testament to the skill and dedication of the people who have held the record, and it’s inspiring to see them push boundaries and break records in this unique sport. So if you’re ever looking to challenge yourself and have some fun, why not give the Pogo Stick world record a shot?
With its long history and impressive records, the Pogo Stick world record is sure to be around for many more years to come.

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